
dear maddie, kenna, nicole, and beth...

lets make this year the best yet.
school starts in 3 days. and i will not say i'm excited cause most definitely i am not. but we're going to be freshman. we are going to rule the school.(:
considering we are the rulers of the school i made a list of all the things we can do now:
-we can walk down the halls like we're all that, (like last years freshman ;)
-we could probably claim oursleves a lunch table instead of eating on the hill, in the grass or the yucky hallway
-we can throw little kids into trashcans or call them sevies.
-we can walk past and slam their lockers and if they walk in front of us we can just push them out of the way.
-we can stick to our own little clique cause we don't need anyone else.
-we can look and gossip about all the other cliques and be glad we aren't them.
-and we can throw lots of homework parties because now everything counts.
cause we're the big kids now.
taha just kidding. we probably could do all that but i'd rather we didn't.
because personally i like walking down the hallway with you guys laughing and talking and occasionally making oursleves look like idiots (:
and who needs that yucky claustrophobic lunchroom? i prefer the hill, the grass and the hallway. we've eaten there since we were little seventh graders, why change now?
and how about instead of throwing them in trashcans or calling them sevies we make new friends? we like new friends right?  and sevies may very possilby be one of the stupidest word on this earth. we're cooler than that... right? (:
and remember on the first day when we struggled to open our lockers (except maddie) well this year we can help out the poor young 'uns so they aren't late to class. and if they get lost we'll surely help them.
and lets continue to branch out and make tons of new friends. yeah we have our friends but we always have room for more. (:
and gossiping? who needs gossiping. been there... done that... been a victim of that... its not fun. why participate? here's to no gossiping this year. instead we'll pray (haha jk efy joke :)
and homework parties? psh forget it lets have fun. okay just kidding again. it does count so yeah we'll probably need some occasional homework parties (: but its ok we'll make time for our chick flicks. (beth will bring the tissues :)
hmm sound like a plan?
i think yes. this year will be great.
who cares if we fit in. honestly do you want to be like everyone else? lets just be ourselves and have fun (: if they don't like us... well ha guess thats their loss (: we have all found who we are... i finally found out who my true friends are ;) and boys? psh we don't need them. because we have each other. and you guys are all need to make this school year great. (:
and by the way, thanks (: thanks for always being there for me even when maybe i wasn't for you guys. i love you so much and pretty much you are all like sisters to me. w/ lots of love/ brit (:

ps. the part about how we don't need boys, maddie go for him (: beth, you can keep yours  (: as for me, kenna, and nicole... well i guess we'll see (:

(sorry about the terrible quality and that its the same picture as the header :)


a rexburg story.

to read beth, brit and maddie's adventure of this past week, click here.



So if I happened to get a blog, what would I name it, do you suppose? Please leave ideas, because the best I have got is really lame.


we seem to neglect posting on this blog. which happens to be one of my pet peeves. neglection to your blog. but fret not we'll start posting again (:

and alot has happened that hasn't been blogged. such as:

Brit, Beth, Maddie and our friend Rachel went to efy at byui

we've gone back to school shopping
and rode glass elevators
and chalk maddie's driveway
(mckenna accidentally got cut out)

more shopping
mckenna, nicole and brit ate these.
a few last trips to the pool.
ice cream.
mocked models.
and now summer is pretty much coming to an end. so hopefully this week is one of the greatest (: